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5 Tips to Improve Customer Service from a Human Resource Perspective

two blond women at Sage Solutions Group shaking handsMany things have changed within the last two years; why would customer service be different? Companies are investing heavily in improving the standard of customer service, recognizing that innovation in customer experience is as important as innovation in products and/or services.  Improving customer service can mean the difference between growing your audience or losing your customers to competitors. To be proactive, companies must utilize developing trends in customer service, but this can be much easier said than done.

As a company, you may be asking yourself what can I do to improve customer service? While there are sophisticated measures that can be taken to provide customers with excellent service, you may find that making even minor adjustments could be a major win for your company.  

Here are 5 tips from a human resource consultant's perspective that will make a positive impact on your company's customer service:

  1. circle of people holding a sign with the words Customer SatisfactionBuild a team that shares your customer service vision. The true essence of excellent customer service begins with the closest people to your audience. When hiring, be sure your screening includes situational and behavioral questions that will hone in on the soft skills you are seeking.
  2. Automate your processes. By reducing repetitive tasks such as paperwork and filing with automation, your team will naturally have more time and energy to promote a positive customer experience.
  3. Learn your teams' strengths and create workflows that leverage the employee's individual skill set. This practice will promote an atmosphere of empowerment and when your team feels supported, their willingness to go that extra mile will be your reward. 
  4. Consider completing an Employee Engagement Survey with a plan of remediating any weaknesses revealed. Again, when your employees work in an environment of inclusion and empowerment, that positivity flows through to the customer's experience. For example, Sage's Employee Engagement Program presents a clear understanding of the level of engagement within your organization.  Our survey indicates which areas positively or negatively impact engagement levels, and provides you clear, actionable data to guide a remediation plan.
  5. Remember, there is no better way to improve customer service than capturing customer feedback and implementing their suggestions. Customer service is not the responsibility of a single individual; company-wide involvement is needed to delight customers.

 A business that is customer-centric is primed for success and there are steps that an organization can take right now to ensure they are living up to their vision. Providing excellent customer service should not be the responsibility of one department.  Instead, it should be a focus area for the entire company.

If you are interested in learning more about how a human resource consultant can help set your company up for success, reach out to Sage Solutions Group at 734-855-7189, or visit us at .

Also, you can check out our latest videos providing a quick overview of our services.

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Blog Author: Kristyn Herbert, Sage Solutions Group HR Manager. 

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