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7 Compliance Deadlines That Need to be Considered Now

clock with the words Time For ComplianceDuring this pandemic, there is no doubt that business owners have to be nimble to survive. Things are coming at us fast and trying to keep up can seem daunting. Priority one is maintaining the health and safety of our workplace.  This means managing PPE, safety plans, and health screenings, to name a few.  In addition, many companies have had to shift to virtual work, gather and submit paperwork for PPP loans and Employee Retention Credits all while covering workloads with mounting challenges in maintaining staffing levels.

If you are a business owner, I am certainly not telling you anything that you don't already know. However, as we are mastering our "new norm", it could be quite easy to lose track of the many compliance issues that remain in place regardless of the pandemic. As HR consultants, we understand the need to be ever vigilant as mandatory areas of compliance are still being enforced.  Here are a few examples of the areas that still need our attention:

  1. Post OSHA 300A 
  2. Electronic filing 300A
  3. 1099 NEC
  4. 1094
  5. 1095
  6. EEO-1 (The EEOC indicated it will not collect EEO-1 data for 2019 until March 2021. Filers will be notified when the portal will be opened, and employers will submit both 2019 and 2020 data at that time.)
  7. Form 941                                    
    man in a suit juggling on the road

This list is just a few of the ongoing governmental compliance issues that we need to keep on our radar as we continue to juggle all of the new problems that the pandemic is throwing our way.

Need help with your Human Resource functions? Contact Sage Solutions Group at 734-855-7187 or visit us at

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