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Sage Solutions Group’s Third Interview in a Series with Michigan Entrepreneur TV

Sage Solutions Group is proud to be considered a Human Resource subject matter expert for Michigan Entrepreneur TV with Tara Kachaturoff. In this third episode, we touch on how Human Resource Consultants work with organizations and how outsourcing this function can help with the overall stability of businesses. Some of the key areas covered include:

  1. Employee vs. Independent Contractor (1099 form)
    1. Specific examples are provided to help employers classify employees vs. independent contractors appropriately
    2. Tax implications
    3. Handbook red flags
    4. Unemployment implications 
    5. Payroll and benefit implications
    6. How to prevent potential pitfalls if an employee is classified wrong
  2. Employee Handbooks
    1. Importance of the handbook
    2. Should I use an online version of a handbook
    3. Developing a customized handbook
    4. Importance of updating policies to remain compliant and relevant  
    5. General handbook updating
    6. Adhering to local, state and federal laws and compliance guidelines
    7. When should employers obtain attorney advice
  3. Sexual Harassment and Workplace Implications
    1. Updated and well written policies set expectations
    2. Train leadership annually
    3. Employee training annually
    4. Setting a professional culture supported by policies
    5. Understanding the law and applying it to the workplace
    6. Daily reinforcement of the policies and expectations
    7. Understanding the individual responsibility of leadership
    8. Allegations of harassment and the manager’s responsibility  
    9. Maintaining a safe workplace
    10. Executing a well thought out investigation with prompt and remedial action
    11. When to get help  
  4. Areas to Focus on to Build a Solid Organizational Foundation
    1. People – hire well, develop your employees and focus on engagement
    2. Policies – keep them updated, ensure they are well written and apply them fairly and consistently
    3. Processes – ensure they are effective and efficient to ensure build that foundation

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